Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • for this cooler, rainy day. It's a nice respite from summer's heat.

  • for the incredible spaghetti sauce I made this week from my garden tomatoes

  • that finally we have an IEP date to develop Ash's IEP for the upcoming school year - oh yea, and to decide where she will attend school. I really don't know what the rush was since SCHOOL STARTS IN THREE WEEKS!

  • that Rocky dog is learning to love staying outside during the day. His chewing of TV remotes, books, etc got him banished there beginning last week.

  • for the beautiful job Chip has done painting some old furniture. It looks like I bought a whole bunch of new furniture.

  • that my family is no where near as dysfunctional as some I know

  • for reconnecting with an old acquaintance last night on the phone - an adoptive mom of two beautiful little girls

  • that I will be participating again this year in the VaLEND program at Virginia Commonwealth University. I love the opportunity to show professionals what life is really like being a parent of children with disabilities.


  1. "that my family is no where near as dysfunctional as some I know"

    Aren't we ALL disfunctional Deb? :D

  2. Cheryl, indeed we are! Some just more so than others :)


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