Friday, February 12, 2010

My Funny Valentine

It's almost Valentine's Day, and again I need ideas on what to get Ashley.

She has a very limited range of foods that she will eat, so candy is out of the question.

Since she is blind, a greeting card doesn't catch her eye (get it - catch her eye, bad joke).

She might like flowers but only if they are edible.

Maybe one of these teeshirts from CafePress:

It say "Kiss My A**" in Braille and is very indicative of her teenage attitude these days.

Or maybe this one since she is so fascinated with her new womanly body:

It says "Boobies" in Braille.

So she can wear it to school, and since it screams the truth about her, I think I will just stick with this shirt that shows the ASL sign for Princess:

Who's your Valentine this year, and how will you be celebrating??


  1. Loved this post! Great T-shirts!!!

  2. Great shirts! Could you give thr URL for these? I'm tempted to get one myself :)

  3. Dark Angel, Just go to and but 'blind' or 'deaf' in the search field.

  4. you should get her one of those gooey feeling toys with lights in them!! They are soo mych fun!! And in dark she can play and enjoy the lights and the feel!!


  5. Although I love the braille, I'm with you and wouldn't want anyone reading her shirt. LOL.

  6. I LOVE those Braille shirts!! I want one!! We've ordered a Brailler for Skyler and I can't wait to start brailling things.


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