Monday, February 15, 2010

One Step Closer

I met Johnny for the first time this past Friday. He and his foster mother and his social worker met my social worker and me at the halfway point between our two homes.

Johnny and I were both nervous, but I think he let more of his nervousness show. Of course, who wouldn't be nervous knowing that once again you are probably going to be moving to a new house with a new Mom and new siblings. Such much new in such a young life must be quite daunting.

But our time together was good. We talked - we laughed - I brought him a gift and a Valentine's Day card, and he brought some pictures, one of his awards, and his latest wood shop project to show me. When I was talking to his foster mother, I could see him checking me out, and once I let him know I saw that and he grinned.

I think he will fit in quite well with our family. Johnny is 15 years old, has spina bifida and is profoundly deaf. He's got an infectious smile and a mischievous grin. He like Star Wars, pizza and the color black. He does not like Chinese food (unfortunately, that is the one are in which we are not compatible!).

Social Services and I only have one last detail to work out. Keep your fingers crossed, because it looks like Johnny could come home within 6-8 weeks!!


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...