Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day - 2010

Voice of The Fallen
by Alex Kaye

far away a voice is calling
someone long ago, who’s fallen
I listen hard and hear it say
hear me on memorial day

under the colors, of a flag true
I fought a war and died for you
oh listen to me when I say
hear me on memorial day

you knew not me, I knew not you
the war I fought was just, and true
I knew just what I had to do
the duty of a chosen few

oh listen mother, hear me dad
don’t be angry. don’t be sad
war is dark, notorious
but the goal was glorious

listen to me, hear me say
I died for freedom on that day
I did not die in vanity
I died for all humanity

and as I lay here, dying, dying
I think I hear some voices crying
I think I hear my mom and dad
but no, these voices are not sad

I thought, I’s sure my fate was sealed
I thought I felt the killing steel
I watch the battle from the ground
I only see, I hear no sound

how things are clear. a perfect sense
the struggle of the innocence
oh if I’d known before the war
it is the same side we fight for

I was only just a knave
but my heart was strong, and brave
the duty of a chosen few
I did just what I had to do

sometimes I’m your brother older
sometimes I’m the unknown soldier
if I could only make you see
we all are one, humanity

through the silence hear me say
remember on memorial day
remember what this day is for
remember me, and stop all war

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