Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monica and David

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. In honor of that, HBO will be airing a documentary titled, "Monica and David."

The documentary chronicles the first year of married life for a couple, both of whom are diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Here is a press release that was posted on the Hope House website about the documentary. And here is the website devoted to the show.

My favorite line in the press release, and the thing that will have me tuning in as well as recording the show is one made by Monica's mother, “As parents, we want people to look upon our children with special needs like anyone else. We want them to be treated with respect and with dignity… And yet, because we want to protect them so much, we are typically the first ones who treat them poorly by subconsciously denying them their rights to have a normal life.”

The show will debut on October 14th at 8:00 PM. Write it on your calendars - set your Tivos - and then let's share our comments!

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