Friday, October 8, 2010

Turning Wrong Into Right

This week has been an historic week for people with disabilities. Today, President Obama will sign into law the Twenty First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act, and earlier this week, he signed the Rosa’s Law bill.

The Twenty First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act will ensure that Web sites and makers of consumer electronics consider the vision- and hearing-impaired, who have been left behind as more communications tools move to the Web.

Here is a link to a Washington Post article that provides more details.

Also signed this week by the President was Rosa’s Law. Rosa's Law changes references in many Federal statutes that currently refer to "mental retardation" to refer, instead, to "intellectual disability".

Senator Barbara Mikulski said this when introducing the bill to the Senate with bipartisan support last November: “This bill is driven by a passion for social justice and a compassion for the human condition. We’ve done a lot to come out of the dark ages of institutionalization and exclusion when it comes to people with intellectual disabilities. I urge my colleagues to join me in a step further. Help sponsor the legislation that I offer on a bipartisan basis. Help me pass the law and know that each and every one of us makes a difference. When we work together, we can make change.”

I’m sure that not all Americans will agree with these two laws, and may even question their importance when war and famine and other horrible situations exist. But to people with disabilities and those that love them, this is wrong being made right.

A big thank you to everyone who worked to see these bills become law.

1 comment:

  1. that's great! thanks for posting this. I've been way to busy lately to stay up to date and hadn't heard of the technology law.


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