Monday, December 27, 2010

Dang you, Mother Nature

The clothes were folded and stacked just waiting to go into the suitcases.

The travel size toiletries were bought and awaiting packing also.

Movies were stored in a binder to save space in our vehicle.

My gas-hog van was filled to the brim at only 6 cents per gallon thanks to my grocery store fuel perks card! $1.18 for 20 gallons a gas - not bad :)

The Christmas decorations were stored away so when we returned from vacation we wouldn't be facing that task. We were all excited about the prospect of a huge, handicapped accessible house on the beach in North Carolina, and then.....

Mother Nature struck with a fury. A huge snowstorm - epic was the word used by the newscasters - struck in an area that more often than not never sees snow and all roads leading to the beach were, and still are, unpassible.

(Photo courtesy of Carl Anderson, Hampton Roads Photography)

Thank goodness I had trip insurance. I won't lose any money, but I will lose a week away from work and the other stressors of our life. The vacation we couldn't take last summer due to Ronnie's surgery was not to be during Christmas vacation either.

Mother Nature can be a real b*tch sometimes...

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