Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Special Exposure Wednesday

I took all the kids bowling Tuesday, and Ronnie decided he no longer wanted to use the ramp for releasing his ball. Since he uses a wheelchair, the logical bowling choice is to use a ramp. But Ronnie wanted Chip to push him the chair while he released the ball like a person not in a wheelchair would do.

The first attempt went pretty well....

The second attempt had the ball in the the lane one over from ours!

But all in all, Ronnie was very proud of himself!

Be sure to visit all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. That's really awesome to hear about. Good job Ronnie - he looks proud of himself too.

  2. Great job! I'm lousy at bowling, apart from on the Wii.

  3. My bowling is limited to the Wii as well. He is a handsome guy.

  4. Oops! Good for Ronnie for giving it a try without the ramp!

  5. Ha ha - sounds like my attempts at bowling!! He looks like he's having a great time anyway!

  6. That is wonderful!How old was he when you adopted him?


  7. LOVE that last shot. He seems so happy now that he's part of your family (and bowling without a ramp);o)


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