Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Change For The Worse

Yesterday was the first day of the second summer school session in my school district. The first session lasts four weeks and the second session last three weeks. I have no idea why it is broken into two sessions.

I have no idea if Ashley has the same teacher and the same aide for the second session. Of course, I have no idea if she even has an aide. I’ve never gotten a report from or about that person.

I have no idea what Ashley did in the first four weeks and I have no idea what the plans are for the last three weeks of summer school. I’ve gotten no reports other than a vague, “Ashley is doing well” from the first teacher. I wonder what she is doing well at?

I have no idea if Ashley is eating her lunch at school other than the fact that her lunchbox comes home empty each day.

I have no idea if sunscreen is being used when Ashley is outside other than the fact that she hasn’t come home sunburned. But I guess that could mean that she hasn’t actually been outside.

I have no idea if Ashley has had one seizure, 10 seizures, or more at school. I’ve not heard from the nurse (if there is a nurse) or the teacher other than the time I was requested to fill out a “seizure plan”. I guess I should have noted on the form that I would like to know if a seizure occurred.

I have no idea if Ashley interacts with the other students at summer school, if anyone facilitates communication between Ashley and the hearing students or if she uses her cane.

What I do know is that Ashley has come home several times with injuries, some bordering on significant. I know she has come home with a torn pull-up and wet clothes, even though I always pack a change of clothes and extra pull-ups. I know that she doesn’t seem thrilled with the prospect of going to summer school, but during the regular school year, she loved going to school. I know that the only progress on her communication skills have been the things I have worked on with her over the summer. And I wonder if I will get an updated progress report on her IEP at the end of summer school.

To say that I am not thrilled with the services Ashley is receiving this summer is an understatement. I know that there has been a change in administration as it relates to summer school services, so maybe that is the reason. But, you can bet I will make sure next summer’s IEP is very, very specific about what I expect.

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