Monday, August 1, 2011

On a Boat Looking at Boats

When we were visiting the beach two weekends ago, the temperatures were in the 100's, and the heat indices were around 110 degrees. That was even too hot for the actual beach. So, we tried to find things to do indoors, in air conditioning.

One of the places we decided to visit was Nauticus, in downtown Norfolk. According to the Nauticus website "NAUTICUS inspires and educates with engaging & interactive experiences that celebrate our connections with today's maritime world. Nauticus is a contemporary museum that uses the natural setting of Norfolk's harbor to showcase global maritime commerce and the world's largest Navy."

I worried that it might be a little too history intensive, and therefore, boring for Ashley because she prefers more interactive museums. But it was great! One floor of the museum's three floors was dedicated to marine life. There were lots of exhibits of fish, crabs and the like, and Ashley even got to touch a horseshoe crab.

Affiliated with the museum is a boat tour of the Norfolk Naval Station. The boat had both an air conditioned section and an upper deck that was outside. We chose the air conditioned section, and had some wonderful views of the Naval Station. We even saw the USS Enterprise! Here are some of the pictures Chip took of our visit:

This is Ashley signing "BOAT":

I'm not sure how Ronnie felt about being on a boat, but Ashley loved it!

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