Friday, February 10, 2012

Miss Deaf America Snubbed

I searched and searched the wide web for a video of Miss Deaf America signing America The Beautiful at last Sunday's Super Bowl. I know she was there - well, I assume she really was there - but I don't know for sure because she was never on camera - or even anywhere near Kelly Clarkson while she sang the same song.

Rachel Mazique, the 2011 Miss Deaf America, had this to say about the snub:

“I truly hope that this becomes a teachable moment for everyone involved, and that American Sign Language renditions of these iconic songs are broadcast in future Super Bowls rather than being a token gesture.”

A group of her supporters are asking that NBC grant her an interview on the Today Show, and have started a petition in support of that request. There are already over 5000 signatures. If you would like to add your name, here is the link.

And apparently this same thing happened last year. Let's make sure that next year is different...

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Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...