Monday, February 13, 2012

Things I Don't Understand

So, can someone tell me exactly what an "educational interpreter' is supposed to do? I think I heard somewhere that there are slightly different than regular interpreters, but in what way?

I'm not real comfortable with the way things are going with Ronnie's educationl interpreter. I don't think the interpreter is supposed to act as a counselor, or suggest courses of action, or even discuss things that aren't related to the school day. But Ronnie's interpreter does.

It makes me uncomfortable. If doing those things is outside the ethical interpreter mode of operation, it makes me wonder what else the interpreter might do?

But then again I could be way off base since I really don't understand exactly what the educational interpreter is supposed to do. Can anyone help?


One more thing I don't understand about school - why does my child with severe disabilities bring home a course selection sheet that lists all the classes she CAN'T take? What is the point? Is it to make me sad? If so, it'w working...


  1. In my experience in Canada, an educational interpreter should interpret what the teachers, students and teaching assistants say, and if needed repeating and exlpaining the information. If needed he can help by walking the student through and giving support. but his advice should only be related to the lessons, not life outside class. Hope this helps little!!


  2. I am speaking from my experience as an interpreter (educational and freelance), and I can't make any statements for that interpreter because I don't know them personally or professionally.
    I think you person needs to find out what the interpreter's contract says from the school. Many educational interpreters have more than one role. Since I don't know you or situation exactly, I will speak broadly, but often the interpreter is the child's only advocate, language model, and cultural liaison to the Deaf community because 90% of the time, D/deaf people are often born to hearing parents. So, it may be perfectly appropriate for that interpreter to act as a counselor in the student's best interest.
    It is true that in most settings it is inappropriate for the interpreter to counsel or advise the D/deaf person in any way, however educational interpreters are supposed to be bound ethically by different rules and boundaries. There are pros and cons to this matter, of course, but I would need to know more about the stakeholders.
    I hope this helps a bit. Let me know if there's any further questions.
    Also, of course there are always interpreters in every scenario that are unethical.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...