Monday, June 4, 2012

Calling Out Cho

Almost 2 years ago, I wrote about comments that Jennifer Aniston made on the Regis and Kelly show. The comments included the R-word. Well it has happened again. Comedian Margaret Cho made similar comments on a Bravo show.

One of my favorite bloggers, Phoebe from the Herding Cats blog, did an excellent job of calling Ms. Cho out for her comments. You can read her blog entry here.

There is one difference though between Ms. Aniston's comments and Ms. Cho's comments. Margaret Cho issued what seems to be a heartfelt apology. You can view that apology at the end of the Herding Cats blog post.

Thank you, Phoebe, for your immediate response to Margaret Cho, and thank you, Ms. Cho, for your sincere apology. This is exactly the way to get a discussion started, and to educate people as to how offensive and hurtful their words can be.

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