Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hershey Gardens

The same day that we ate our weight in chocolate, we also visited Hershey Gardens. I like the think that all the walking up and down the hills of the garden helped cancel out the calories from the chocolate, but in all honesty, I probably would have had to walk 24 hours a day for a week for that to really happen!

Hershey Gardens were beautiful! We have a family membership to the botanical gardens in our city, and with that we are able to visit other gardens around the country at no cost. It's a real bargain!!

We started the day early in the gardens. There were no crowds and the morning mist was just leaving the well manicured lawns and beautiful flowers. Here's a picture from the gardens where you can see the Hershey plant and Hershey Park (an amusement park) in the background.

Many flowers, including roses, were in bloom, and Chip got some great pictures.

The highlight of the visit was the Children's Garden, including the butterfly exhibit.

Besides flowers and butterflies, the Children's Garden was full of music! Ashley was able to play an outdoor xylophone and stomp her feet to play another instrument. Ronnie even got on the stomp-your-feet thing and jumped up and down in his wheelchair to make music!

If you are ever in Hershey, a visit to the Gardens would be well worth your time!!

Tomorrow - Tick tock, ice cream time!

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