Friday, August 24, 2012

Tick Tock - Ice Cream!

The final day of our vacation took us to a clock and watch museum (sounds boring, eh? But really it wasn't), and to the Turkey Hill Ice Cream Factory.

The clock and watch museum was tucked away in a residental neighborhood just a few blocks from Turkey Hill. It obviously has some wealthy patrons because the place was huge, packed with tons of history, and one of the most well-maintained museums I have ever visited.

There were clocks and watches of all sorts, even one that used water!

After spending time in the museum (get it - spending time!), we made the short drive to Turkey Hill. Yummmm!!

We donned the appropriate hats - well, everyone but Ashley donned hats - she still will not tolerate anything on her head, and Ashley even found her name on one of the displays!

Ashley and Ronnie attempted to milk the lifesize fake cow, and judging by their ewwww! reactions, I'm betting they will never ever come close to milking a real cow.

And then it was ice cream sampling time. All the ice cream we could eat..Yes, I said ALL THE ICE CREAM WE COULD EAT. That alone was worth the price of the vacation!!!

We had a wonderful week in and around Lancaster, PA and I highly recommend it to others who are looking for a great family getaway!

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