Friday, October 19, 2012

The "Investigation" is Complete

The investigation (and I use that term loosely) is complete and my school district has provided me with their results concerning Ashley's injury at school.

I'm sure you will be just as impressed as I was....

From the school principal:

"Human Resources has concluded their investigation. After a very thorough investigation where numerous teachers, aides, and staff members were interviewed, no conclusive evidence was found linking the injury sustained by your daughter to the Aide that was working with her. The investigators were unable to ascertain how the injury was sustained or what caused it. I sincerely wish that there was more information available as to what caused your daughter’s injury, as I understand your need to know how this happened. A report was filed with Child Protective Services, but they have not shared any results or whether they conducted an investigation with the school.

The aide that was working with your daughter has not been on the Tucker campus since the incident was reported to the administration.

If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me."

I immediately responded with a request for an IEP meeting (scheduled for next Wednesday), and have put in a call to my attorney.

The fat lady has not yet finished singing....


  1. you cannot be serious!!!

    Is it possible another student did it? Either way, someone at the school should have seen that happen too.

  2. Don't let up. We had an incident with our son when he was in elementary where a teacher grabbed his arm, asked him why he hadn't completed something, even went as far to say a special needs child, whom she named, was doing better. All witnessed by an adult friend, and when we met with the teacher and pricipal, she lied about the whole incedent.
    They protect their own.
    Dave Jennings

  3. Bull... well you know. THis is a major cover up. What a sack of lies. And the further assistance he could give you? would be what putting you off for as long as he can with excusses. You sould get the lawyer to bring an assistant or something in a nice suit adn they should wishper a lot. Put the fear of God into the school ;) Good luck!

  4. Please take a lawyer. I work at a school for students with special needs as an administrator and this whole situation makes me sick. How dare they try to resolve the incident in this way.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...