Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tomorrow's The Day - maybe

Do you remember me writing about Ashley being injured at school by a school employee? Yea, it was a while ago - September 17th to be exact. A full month ago.

I also provided a few updates along the way, but still have not gotten much information from the school district. Whenever I would email or call, the answer was the same, "We're conducting a thorough investigation", and "We can't share anything because it is a personnel matter."

I've continued to push for answers and finally this week was told by the school principal that the 'investigation' would be finished by Friday of this week. The principal assured me that he would contact me by the end of the day Friday.

We'll see...but trust me, you all will be some of the first to hear the results!

Today is Thursday - come back late tomorrow and we'll see if the 'results of the investigation' are an adequate explanation.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying not to be, but I am preemptively doubtful.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...