Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mixing it Up!

This past weekend I splurged on a new blender - a really nice new blender - the Vitamix Pro 300. I have spent the last month researching both the Vitamix and the Blendtec, and Vitamix won.

I really want to try to improve my family's eating habits. I want to get more fruits and vegetables in them, as well as reduce calories and all those other bad things we are not supposed to eat. I figured having a blender that could pulverize almost anything into a healthy smoothie would be a start in the right direction.

So far, between spending hours on Pinterest looking for smoothie recipes, I have made hummus for Ashley. She LOVES hummus, but it can be really expensive in the store. Not so with my new Vitamix. Just two cans of chick peas, and a few other ingredients that I almost always have in my panty, and poof - healthy, cheap hummus! At the grocery store yesterday, the chick peas for $1.00 a can, and I stocked up. Ashley tried the first batch last night and loved it.

I've also made two different types of green smoothies, and what all the recipes say is correct - you really cannot taste the spinach or kale in the smoothie. I made one for breakfast this morning with fruit, spinach, almond milk and Greek yogurt, and I was fine until lunch where normally I would have wanted to snack mid-morning.

So if any of you have any smoothie or hummus recipes you like, please share! And if you use your Vitamix or Blendtec for other awesome things, let me know that also!

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