Monday, March 18, 2013

She's A Winner!!

Are you familiar with the PTA Reflections Contest that is held every year? If not, here is a good explanation of the program from the National PTA website:

"All children deserve opportunities to explore and be involved in the arts.

The National PTA Reflections program is PTA’s cornerstone arts program. It was developed in 1969 by Colorado’s PTA President Mary Lou Anderson to encourage students to explore their talents and express themselves. Since then, the Reflections Program has inspired millions of students to reflect on a specific theme and create original artwork. Each year, students in Grades Pre-K through 12 are recognized for bringing the theme to life through dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts.

In 2012, the Special Artist Division emerged as an optional division for students whose physical, cognitive, or mental health challenges meet ADA guidelines."

Chip competed when he was in elementary school, and won first place in the Photography category for our school district. Ashley has competed several times, but because the Special Artist category didn't exist until this year, she never won. But that changed this year!

The theme of the contest this year was "The Magic of a Moment." Ashley entered a poem in the Special Artist Literature competition, a poem which described her feelings the first time she ever went to the beach. Together, she and I looked at a picture (shown above) that was taken of her that day at the beach, sitting on the edge of the water. She signed and I recorded what she signed:

Ashley Go Beach

No see.
No hear.
Feel wind.
Feel water
Taste salt.

ASHLEY WON! She won for the Richmond Metro area (city plus surrounding counties), and she won for the entire state! Her entry now moves on to the National level!! I am so very, very proud of her!!


  1. Huzzah! That's tremendous! And I love her poem madly.

  2. Congratulations, Ashley. When I read your poem, I feel like I am at the beach. We have beautiful beaches here as well, but the Great Lakes water is not salty. My daughter loves it when the waves are huge, she laughs and laughs if they go up onto her beach stroller and get her feet wet.


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