Wednesday, October 16, 2013

An Example of Caring Enough

I want to offer a shout out to a movie theatre near our home and share with you what a wonderful job they are doing to accommodate people with disabilities.

The theatre is called United Artists West Tower Cinemas, and they are part of the Regal Entertainment Group. A few years ago, no cinemas in our area offered closed captioning or other accommodations other than wheelchair seating. Once visibility was raised by the disability community, Regal Entertainment Group was the first to step up to the plate, and West Tower Cinema, in particular, made things right.

West Tower offers the latest in captioning devices for people who are hard of hearing or deaf. They even work for 3D movies. In addition, and the accommodation that has impacted my family the most, is that they offer a free companion ticket for any person that accompanies a person with a disability. So yesterday, Chip, Ronnie, Ashley and I went to see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatball 2. Immediately after Chip requested the closed captioning glasses, the ticket taker radioed the manager, and within a minute, we had the glasses. Also, when paying for the tickets, Chip and I got the free companion tickets when Ronnie and Ashley paid for theirs. This, to me, is huge considering the price of movie tickets these days, and knowing that such an accommodation might get more folks with disabilities to the movies and into the community.

I also noticed that in our particular theatre, the handicapped seating was scattered throughout the theatre. People in wheelchairs have choices and are not just 'parked' in a row in the center of the theatre.

So thank you, West Tower! You are our first choice in movie theatres, and it is my hope that others will follow your lead. You're doing a great job!

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