Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lipstick On A Pig

My state, Virginia, has an ugly history of segregating people with disabilities. Just a couple of years ago, the Justice Department had had enough and told Virginia, via lawsuit, to clean up its act and get people out of institutions. Has there been movement in that direction? I'm not sure, but even if there has been progress towards community inclusion, overall I don't believe prevailing thought on the subject has improved.

For instance, the city of Virginia Beach is patting itself on the back and opening its wallet to welcome a development called Vanguard Landing. According to its website, Vanguard Landing is a place "where exceptional people live extraordinary lives."

What I call Vanguard Landing is lipstick on a pig.

A young lady named Ivy agrees with me. Check out her blog piece on the subject, especially the sections on her beliefs:

I believe in small group homes sprinkled throughout our community.
I believe in strengthening home care support so anybody with a disability can live at home.
I believe everybody should live in their community, near or with their loved ones.
Segregation is not the answer. It never was and never will be.

Ivy is correct, and the City of Virginia Beach needs to listen to her and others of us who have a real stake in the future of people with different abilities. Putting lipstick on a pig does not change the fact that it is a pig.


  1. Great entry.
    Thanks for writing.
    Have you joined the facebook group
    against VanGuard Landing?


  2. Rachel, I have joined the facebook group.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...