Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • That the dragon has been slain – more details soon!
    (pictured is a painting by Rogier van der Weyden, Saint George and the Dragon, 1432-1435, National Gallery of Art, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund - Brave Saint George, dressed in shiny armor, is trying to rescue a princess from a terrible dragon that is terrorizing her town.)

  • That today I chatted on the phone with a friend who used to be Ashley’s occupational therapist – the best therapist in the world, may I say – and got the update on her lovely family.

  • That despite my age, I don’t look too bad walking away in a snug pair of jeans

  • For slightly lower pollen numbers this week. Of course, the trade-off has been more rain, but at least my garden likes that.

  • For a very sweet Mother’s Day last Sunday – cards, jewelry and even a pie from Amy!

  • That the “David’s” are the final two in American Idol.

  • And proud that this morning while my children were sleeping, I single-handedly killed a camel cricket that was waiting in my shower

  • For Subway’s vegetable subs with honey mustard

  • That my insurance company has waived the deductible for repairing my car’s windshield after it was broken by a dump truck throwing rocks yesterday afternoon

  • That I finally figured out how to use my Video IPod.

1 comment:

Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...