Today I am thankful...
- that the weather has finally gotten warm enough to think about planting my flowers, herbs, and vegetable garden. If you need me either of the next two weekends, look for a patch of soil.
- for the wonderful respite weekend I had last Friday-Sunday. I was able to have dinner with my brother, go to breakfast and spend some time in retail therapy with my friend, Lynnette, spend the afternoon with clowns, elephants, and high-wire walkers and Lynnette and her beautiful daughter, Brooke, and then visit the Botanical Gardens on Sunday morning. And, oh yea, I can't forget the 300 bikers who shared my hotel. Now that was fun!
- that I have finished my adoption training and now my homestudy can begin
- that this weekend I will start to pull out the shorts and summer clothes. Ashley is going to be so excited!
- that Corey was able to spend last Sunday with his grandparents. It's been way too long since they last saw him.
- that Corey is attending a Youth Job Symposium at our local community college this Saturday. He NEEDS a job this summer, and I NEED him to find one.
- that the paperwork to give me power of attorney for educational and medical decisions for Jessica has been completed. **sigh of relief**
- for the first steaks cooked on the grill this season
- for beautiful Dogwood trees - especially the pink ones. Driving through my neighborhood is almost like driving through fairyland with all the pink and white Dogwood trees. It is, of course, our state tree!
- for iced tea with a slice of orange in it, and for good measure, perhaps a sprig of mint
are you adopting another little one?
Dalya, I'm hoping to. I just need to convince the right social worker to believe in me! I've got a little girl in mind, and really, really hope it works out!
I will keep you all in my prayers! Is she another special needs child? How did you find her?! You need to give your followers some info! hehe can't wait to read all about her! is it because your oldest is going away to college?
Dayla, I have identified a little girl but her social worker may not want me as a parent. The little girl is in an institution, and the social worker is very happy with her care there. I, on the other hand, believes she needs a family - someone to tell her she is loved - someone to kiss her goodnight.
I'll just have to see how it goes. There is still a lot of prejudice against single parents. And, the fact that I already have children with special needs may not work in my favor.
The little girl is 7 years old, and needs total care.
No, it's not because my son is going to college. He is actually going to be living at home at least the first year. I'm just feeling led in the direction of adoption again. I've never been able to really explain why I have chosen this path, but I know it is the right path for me.
When I get a little farther into the adoption process - whether for the little girl or another child - I will definitely share more info :)
I know what you mean about being lead to things, even when people don't believe in God, they believe in fate the pull of strings wanting to be twisted into a beautiful fabric! An institution is not place for a child, my grandma who is also deaf was placed in one and underwent many awful medical trials until she was adopted by a family. I hope that the social worker will open her heart and see that even though your house maybe full your heart is still brimming with love and the wonderful life you could give a child! From reading your blog it seems that even though you're a single mother, you have a large and caring group of friends who will support you! I hope that this little girl will soon be in your loving home! Are your other children excited? She will be closer to Ashley's age then the others right? Will you take them to visit her before you make your final decision? Forgive me if my questions seem nosey!
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