First my computer and I shared a virus. I thought my pneumonia was gone after 2 rounds of antibiotics and several other types of medicine. I was hopeful that with Spring just around the corner, the plague would leave our house and we could all be well for a while. I was wrong. Ronnie woke up Saturday morning with a raging cold, and since I have to do all those motherly things which require sharing of body fluids, now I too am sick – AGAIN.
To top it off, Saturday afternoon my computer started throwing up ones and zeroes and telling me I had a zillion viruses. Since we have pretty good virus protection, I’m thinking another family member opened an email that shouldn’t have been opened or visited a website that shouldn’t have been visited.
Fortunately, I have a resident geek named Chip and he spent the rest of the weekend restoring my computer to health. Somehow though, I still feel very violated….
Then came Saturday night, and one kid who shall remain nameless to protect his dignity got an ear bud from a set of head phones stuck in his ear. I didn’t know such a thing could happen, but apparently it’s pretty common based on the nurse’s reaction at the urgent care medical facility. With the proper tools, it was extracted but not without a bit of pain.
But one thing did happen to brighten my weekend. I love forsythia bushes, but Spring is still not close enough for mine to start blooming. I check the little buds every day hoping for their splash of yellow, but it’s just not time yet. Or so I thought.
I decided to cut some of the longer branches and bring them inside. I reasoned that maybe the warmth of the house and the sun streaming in my front picture window might urge the little buds to give up their gift. And I was right! Here’s the proof…
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