"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar." - Helen Keller
great capture
Beautiful girl and beautiful photo of her!!
Looking very relaxed.
Cool pic. Jack seems much more into the lights and trees this year. He is also visually impaired but has never really been "into" any of it before.
What a great photo. I feel like we are experiencing the lights with her - just beautiful!
Very nice! We just set up a miniature tree in my son's room and it is so pretty. :)
Ashley would probably love these light toys:http://www.amazon.com/Light-Doodler-3142-Super-Sized/dp/B000Z9C14Ythe glo E bear by cepiahttp://www.amazon.com/Lava-Lite-1815-4-Traffic-Light/dp/B001ETWW0M/ref=pd_sim_dbs_t_22
Cute - my Ashlea likes to get up close and personal with the Christmas decorations too!
Love the photo. You get the feel that she's in a magical place.
love the shot!
Skyler LOVES christmas lights too! We have them up in our bedroom year round. He loves trying to eat them. And I love that he can see them.
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great capture
Beautiful girl and beautiful photo of her!!
Looking very relaxed.
Cool pic. Jack seems much more into the lights and trees this year. He is also visually impaired but has never really been "into" any of it before.
What a great photo. I feel like we are experiencing the lights with her - just beautiful!
Very nice! We just set up a miniature tree in my son's room and it is so pretty. :)
Ashley would probably love these light toys:
the glo E bear by cepia
Cute - my Ashlea likes to get up close and personal with the Christmas decorations too!
Love the photo. You get the feel that she's in a magical place.
love the shot!
Skyler LOVES christmas lights too! We have them up in our bedroom year round. He loves trying to eat them. And I love that he can see them.
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