Sorry about the poor quality of the picture. It was taken with my phone and in the dark! Finding the real camera at 4:30 in the morning is an impossibility.
Be sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!
4am is so early to get up! That smile is so worth it!
EArly indeed..but a very nice smile.
I'd get up at the crack of dawn for that my smile too! :)
Impressive you had the wherewithall to even think to take a photo at that time of the day!
I'd still struggle to get up at that time even for a smile - but better to get up for a smile than a screech!
That smile made me :)
I was just thinking today how very much I love my kiddo. Cool, isn't it?
our kids' smiles sure make things worthwhile!
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