My boys asked me to take them to a movie this weekend. The movie they suggested was How To Train Your Dragon, and I was just pleased that it wasn't a violent or otherwise objectionable movie.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that NONE of the movie theatres in my city have closed captioning or any other type of accommodation for people who are deaf. Really - we called every single one. It wasn't that they just didn't have it for the movie we wanted to see - every one of them said their theaters have no such technology.
I don't live in a small town. I live in the capitol of my state - a medium sized city with lots of movie theaters. I know there are a lot of deaf people that live in this city because we go to silent lunches and dinners with them. I've never asked those people about movies because I naively assumed there would be accommodations, but you can bet I will ask at the next lunch or dinner we attend.
Really, is this legal? Can anyone enlighten me?
I have no personal experience, but I "assumed" this type of technology was readily available.
We will be going to the "sensory friendly" version of this movie on Saturday - sponsored by the Autism Society of America and a local theater. They turn up the lights and down the sound. It's only $5 a head and just about anything is acceptable.
I haven't even thought of that. Got me interested though - I think I might just call around to find out if we do here.
Oh, that doesn't seem fair or right! I think our local Grand Theatre has handheld CC devices, though we've never used them becuase my oldest is only HI and the sound in the movies is always so ridiculously loud that he can actually hear fairly clearly.
I hope you find a place to take your family to see it, because it truly is a wonderful film. Keep us updated...
A quick Google search revealed this information: http://www.hearingcenteronline.com/newsletter/may00b.shtml I don't know if those services are available in your town, but if you find that they are, please let me know. I would like to patronize the company that provides them, and pass the information along to others.
Of course, after I posted I found this website, which lets you search for movie theaters with captions by zip code. http://ncam.wgbh.org/mopix/
I know here in Canada most movies already come with subtitles and you simply use a device I've always known as a 'deaf reader' to see them. It simply sits in the cup holder and is designed to catch the captions. OK so I looked quicly to see if I could find a site that sell them. No luck. Found blog that describes it better. It's actually called Rear window captioning here is link for blog: http://www.stonedeafpilots.com/?p=3
I am sorry, looked again but can't find somewhere to buy from. I know my friend had one, but we lost touch. where I live the theater's have them. Good Luck!! Oh did you ever get card for Ashley's voice?
I check AMC theaters here in St. Louis metro - there are 3 that have closed caption, but only 1 movie at each. Better than nothing, but not good. (AMC does the sensory friendly movies)
Like Dalya said in Canada we have the rear window captioning. They also have DVS (you get a pair of headphones and they describe facial expressions etc for the visually impaired) I can't believe they don't have anything like that where you live. That makes no sense to me whatsoever. What about accessibility? Ridiculous.
Thank you all for the links. I am checking them out.
Dayla, yes I did get one of the recordable cards. So now I have my sweet Ashley's voice no matter what!
Very curious to hear the answer. Maybe this is how you will make your millions - lawsuit against the movie theater companies!
When I have had ADA questions/problems before, I have called the Department of Justics hotline for help!
800 - 514 - 0301 (voice)
800 - 514 - 0383 (TTY)
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