Last week was the first week of ESY/Summer School services for Ashley. I'm used to getting a call from the teacher the week before school starts so we can chat about what I feel the teacher needs to know about Ashley. I know that the teacher is sent a copy of Ashley's IEP, but that doesn't really define who Ashley is. This year, I got no call. So, the first day of school I sent in a document that listed what I felt were important points for the teacher to know and understand.
I expected to get something back that first day - maybe a note from the teacher introducing herself, maybe a list of supplies the teacher would like help with. But I got nothing. In fact, I got nothing until the last day of school last week, and that was a quickly handwritten note from the teacher asking for spoons and wipes, and of course, the same medical form that I am asked to fill out every single school year and ESY session.
But something else of significance happened that last day of school last week. Ashley came home with three fingers on her right hand very swollen and black and blue. No mention of that was included in the note from the teacher. (The picture above was taken just as Ashley got home from school. The swelling and bruising got much, much worse as the night went on...)
I know whatever happened didn't happen on the school bus that day. The summer school bus driver and aide are wonderful beyond belief. The would have mentioned anything that might have happened to Ashley. So, it had to happen during the school day.
And just to add to my concern, Ashley has a fulltime aide with her at summer school. No note from that person either???
The injury was pretty significant. I'm sure Ashley would have cried when it happened. It looked like she had shut her hand in a door or something similar. It was so tender to the touch that it was difficult for me to get a good look at it. And no one at school felt it was important to mention this to me?
I took pictures and sent an email to the teacher asking for an explanation. I haven't heard back from her yet, but expect to today. If I don't, I will make a personal visit tomorrow.
All this - no call from the teacher, the injury, little to no communication - does not bode well for this summer's ESY services...
You have way more patience than I, I think I probably would have gone from semi-psycho mom to full blown psycho mom, QUICK.
That looks awful, I can't believe they haven't contacted you with an explanation.
I'm angry for you.
(btw, I'm playing catch up & just started following. I think I found your blog while looking up Medicaid Waiver/HIPP information)
Shaking my head ...
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