Ronnie had his first follow-up doctor's appointment today with the urologist. We were all really hoping that he might agree to remove two of the three catheters that Ronnie came home from the hospital with. But sad to say, that was not to be today.
Ronnie's urologist is ultra-conservative. But, he's one of the best. So, if he thinks it is best to leave the catheters in a while, I believe it will be for the best.
So, for at least another week or two, Ronnie will have three catheters, and two collection bags attached to him at all times. It really makes transfering from his wheelchair to the couch, bed or bathroom facilities difficult, and those transfers always require assistance. The good news is that by the time school starts in early September, all the 'connections' will be history and Ronnie will once again be one of the gang. The doctor said Ronnie is looking great, and that he's really pleased with Ronnie's progress.
Today was also my first day back at work in two weeks. It felt really strange not to be donning exam gloves, and I may have slipped a few times and asked my co-workers if they needed their catheters flushed :)
Haha that's cute that you asked your coworkers if they need their catheters flushed. I bet they were speechless. I hope Ronnie is doing better. Surgery and recovery both suck from what I remember. Best wishes to all of you!
just imagining doing it as a profession O_o
glad to hear Ronnie's doing well.
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