Thursday, August 25, 2011

Is That Locust I Hear?

So, did you get to experience the great shake, rattle and roll this week? Just 35 miles from my home, a rare and unexpected earthquake struck. It was a 5.9 on the Richter Scale, and I realize that to folks on the West Coast that is no big deal. But to us here on the East Coast, it was like one of the biggest deals ever.

I was at work when the rumbling started. Never having experienced an earthquake, my co-workers and I were a little stunned at first, wondering just what was going on. And silly me, my first response was to reach up and keep my computer monitor from dancing off the edge of my desk. Then about 200 of the 400 workers in my building ran outside.

Who knew running outside was not the thing to do???

Who knew that standing on the top of an underground parking deck was not the thing to do??

Who knew that cell phone service would more than likely be disrupted?

I felt like I did on 9/11, all I wanted was to hear my children’s voices and know they were ok. But I couldn’t because no calls were going through. It is a horrible, horrible feeling to be in the middle of something major and not be able to know how my children are. I just wanted to go back into my office building so I could try calling on the land line, but the Capitol Police Officer stationed at the door refused to let us back in.

Finally, after about 45 minutes, we were told we could re-enter the building. I went straight to the phone, called home, and got the news that everyone, although a little frightened, was ok. Ashley even thought it was fun and spent the rest of the evening bouncing on her chair to simulate the shaking!

So, we’ve had the wildfire burning in the Great Dismal Swamp causing all of us respiratory problems. We’ve dealt with an earthquake, and we are battening the hatches for Hurricane Irene which is headed our way. I really expect to see locust next…..

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